A lot of people across the world suffer with an immune system that is unable to differentiate between healthy cells, invader bacteria, or diseases. Instead of protecting them against disease the organs and tissues are attacked by these same defenses.A major international effort in research is underway to stop this trend. An initiative based in Lond… Read More

People around the globe are suffering more because their immune systems cannot discern between healthy cells and invader microorganisms. They are being attacked by the defenses against disease that used to protect them.International research is being undertaken to counter the growing trend. This includes an initiative at London’s Francis Crick In… Read More

Around the world, more and more people are suffering from the inability of their immune systems to distinguish between healthy cells or invaders microscopic organisms. They are being attacked by defenses against disease that were previously used to protect them.Research efforts across the globe are intensifying to combat this trend. An example is t… Read More